Subscribe to Hand-i-Craft Members Area
£3 per Month
Support me and my YouTube Channel adventures by subscribing to the Members Area. This will be a place for me to discuss in much greater detail than you see on Youtube aspects of my life in regards to living with a disability, health, woodworking and my workshop. It will include regular vlog style videos, ‘behind the scenes’ footage of my YouTube content, snapshots of stuff that doesn’t make it to YouTube and a platform to discuss topics outside of workshop life that may impact how we feel inside our making spaces😀.
What’s Included
Vlog Style Videos.
Regular catch-up videos that I will post looking at a range of topics including the Youtube Channel, my workshop, trying to grow a small independent business, current and upcoming projects and more personal topics like how my disability affects my life and ability to function within a woodworking environment
‘Behind the Scenes’ Footage.
For every YouTube video that lasts for 12-14mins, I’d estimate there is on average over 4 hours footage. Members Area subscription will allow me to show you some of the extra content that doesn’t make the final edit.
Disability and Mental Health.
I want to provide an area to open a discussion around mental health and the woodworking / making community. I know woodworking is frequently used as a mechanism to support their mental well-being and I’m looking to open up discussions about such topics in an environment that folk can feel safe to do so.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
— Winston Churchill
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible’.”
— Audrey Hepburn
“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
— Leonard Cohen
“If we all did the things we were capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”
-Thomas Edison
Hand-i-Craft Members Area
£3 per Month